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Summer is in full Swing

Hello to all friends and family of CEF of Salem county! Here’s an update of our summer happenings. Our summer club at the office is going well! We are four weeks in, two weeks to go.

This year we had six public school Good News Clubs. We had 99 registered students hear the gospel each week! Out of those children, there were at least six decisions for Christ! As well as three new families attending church on a regular basis! This is what our goal is. Reaching children and reaching families.​

August fifth through the ninth we will be at The Salem county fair Ministering to children, handing out popcorn and having a ventriloquist show. We will have at least six roving evangelist on per night. please come and check out our display and say hello!

We will be serving at Malaga camp the first two weeks of August. While they have their camp meeting we take the youth and have Good News Club. The kids have a blast. This is our fourth year serving at Malaga. We will also be at harvest day in Elmer October 5 please stop out to see us there.

Our annual hoedown is coming up! It will be October 18. It’s a Friday, doors open at five. Dinner will be at six. Please wear your best cowboy gear! It’s been fun seeing everyone dress up. Our special speaker Jeffrey Hartman will be returning and we will have testimony from some of our Club kids. This is a very important fundraiser for our chapter. Please start now inviting your friends. Our goal is to have 200 guests. This will take quite a bit of word-of-mouth advertising by you! You may call me, JoAnna, 954-716-5798 anytime to reserve a table.

Thank you to all of supporters. We are in need of more monthly support. Please pray, ask God what you can do to help keep our ministry growing. You may help by praying first and foremost, Our foundation is prayer. You may also volunteer. If you are interested in having a club, I would set you up with training and do all the paperwork to get you into a school. You may also want to donate. We are in need of finances to continue our mission. You can donate a one time gift or join our support team by donating monthly. Please contact me with any questions. We love and appreciate you!

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